Sunday, September 19, 2010

On the Ozello Trail - September 18, 2010

I have cleaned the lovebugs from my Wing and can now sit down to tell the tale of yesterday's ride.

Although there were nine of us for breakfast this morning, only four motorcycles rolled out of Plant City this morning heading for the Ozello Trail, including Boyd, Bob K. Boyd's friend, Charlie Lovelace, and me.

Click on map for details
The weather was beautiful with clear skies in the morning changing to partly cloudy in the afternoon with temperatures in the low ninety's.  As you may have deduced from my opening, the lovebugs have returned, although still in relatively small numbers.

The morning ride took us to Zephyrhills, St. Leo, Jessamine, Istachatta, Floral City, Homosassa Springs, than across the challenging Ozello Trail to Peck's Old Port Cove for lunch.

On the ride home we played on the hills and curves northwest of San Antonio, including Hayman and Bayhead.  We made our final stop of the day at the San Ann Market where Bob K. introduced us to Cherry Garcia ice cream bars.

I returned home around 4:30 p.m. with another 230 miles of great highway on my bike.

I will be away next weekend, so Bill will lead the next ride.  See you all when I return.


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