Monday, October 01, 2007

Chapter Sales Items

The following chapter items are available from Jesse @ PCPD:

Plant City P.D. challenge coin ..... $10.00
Capsule for same .......................... $ 1.00
Challenge coin in lucite ................ $15.00
Plant City dog tag ......................... $ 7.00
Chapter XXVII dog tag ............... $ 7.00
Plant City P.D. key fob ................ $10.00

Small Blue Knights decals (inside & outside) are available from Gunny @ $0.50 each.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Club to Purchase Software

An emergency board meeting was held on September 26, 2007, for the purpose of considering the purchase of a copy of MS Publisher for the club's use in producing newsletters. McDaniel made the motion to purchase the software for a price not to exceed $150. Shultz seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The software will be retained as a club asset and passed along to subsequent newsletter editors as the need arises.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Meeting Minutes - 09/20/2007

Meeting was called to order by Chapter President Bill McDaniel at 6:10 PM. The first order of business was to conduct the election of new club officers.  Following the counting of votes represented by nomination forms from members not in attendance, plus votes cast by those members attending the meeting, the following members were elected to offices within the club: President - Glenn Monroe; Vice-President - Jim Watkins; Secretary - Carl Lane; Treasurer - Bryan Bergau.

Treasurer's Report: Bergau reported that the club has a current bank balance of $1081.00, with another $127.27 in the petit cash fund, for a total balance of $1,208.27.

Bergau advised the Blue Knights coins as discussed previously could now be obtained at a 10% discount.  Discussion ensued on this matter.  It was understood that the purchase of these coins and any resulting sales of them would be a loss or break-even proposition for the club.  The coins would be procured and sold to members at cost as tokens  of club membership.  Additionally, surplus inventory of the coins could be used as a promotional item or exchange souvenir with other Blue Knights chapters at events and upcoming conferences.  The approximate cost of the coins will be $approximately $7 each and this would be the cost per coin for members to purchase them.  A motion was made by Bergau to purchase 100 coins of a design to be selected by him. Motion seconded by Lane.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Bergau advised that framed portraits sets will be promoted by the club in October.  He will mail out flyers advertising this service, as well as all other FL XXVII merchandise available for purchase.

McDaniel suggested that the club take over the annual blanket sale from PCPD as a potential fundraiser.  Support for this proposal was unanimous.  McDaniel will work with Bergau to make this happen.  The club will also investigate a Blue Knights version of the blankets for sale to club members.

Other Business:

McDaniel briefed newly elected Chapter President Glenn Monroe on some of the various issues he will need to make decision about, to include: signatures on club checks; the club's email account; the club's website (this blog); the monthly newsletter; and, the selection/election of a board of directors.  Discussion ensued and it was decided that McDaniel will rotate to the board as a director based upon his status as Immediate Past President.  Monroe will secure additional board members as necessary to the effective management of the club's business.  The total number of officers and directors shall be set at an odd number in accordance with International bylaws.

McDaniel advised that the club's upcoming Fall Leaf Ride is officially locked down with seven persons participating; four club members and three non-members.

Monroe - Discussed the upcoming club ride scheduled for this Saturday.

Meeting adjourned at 1910 hrs.  Dinner at First Choice BBQ followed.

Election Results - 09/20/2007

The results of the election for club officers held on Thursday, September 20, 2007, are as follows:

President - Glenn Monroe

Vice President - Jim Watkins

Secretary - Carl Lane

Treasurer - Bryan Bergau

Congratulations to these newly elected officers.  They will serve a two-year term that expires on 09/30/2009.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Nominations for Upcoming Elections are Due!

Everyone is encouraged to get their nomination forms turned in as soon as possible.  This is especially important if you are not planning to attend the club's regular business meeting this month.  The elections will be held at that meeting and nomination forms from absent members will serve as those members' votes.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Meeting Minutes - Regular Meeting of July 19, 2007

Treasurer's Report: Bergau advised the club's current checking account balance is $851.00. Another $110.00 in revenue from coin sales has been received, but is not yet deposited. Bergau advised that to date he has sold approximately 40 of the new dog tags. These sales are split at ~30 PCPD tags and ~10 Blue Knights tags.

Secretary's Report: McDaniel (filling in for secretary) reminded all members to regularly check the club's blog site for updates, news, and information. Also advised that efforts are ongoing to recover the club's records from Eric Daniel. This is an important effort as Daniel is in possession of all of the club's original records.

President's Report: McDaniel reported on the club ride that was undertaken last weekend. Participants met at the depot, had breakfast at Snellgrove's, and then rode to the Sunshine Skyway. All who participated cited this as an excellent ride. The club will do this ride again in the next few weeks and will make it a picnic event with all members, family members, and guests encouraged to participate.

McDaniel reminded all assembled that the club's regularly scheduled ride for this weekend falls on Sunday. Meeting place is the depot parking lot at 8 AM.

McDaniel advised all that the Blue Knights' Southern Regional Conference meeting will be hosted by FL XVII in May 2008. The conference will be held in Plant City at the Red Rose Inn. This is an excellent opportunity for all members of FL XXVII to attend a regional conference, meet and interact with other Blue Knights, etc. The conference is scheduled for May 1 - 4, 2008, so mark your calendars and make plans to attend as much of the conference activities as you can.

McDaniel reminded and encouraged all members to continue efforts to recruit new members for the club. FL XXVII is not exclusive to PCPD and we should actively promote the club and its benefits to qualified persons who are current or retired with other law enforcement agencies.

Other Business:

Monroe - Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation Ride is scheduled for 11/04/2007. McDaniel advised this has been discussed with members and this should be a club event.

Monroe - Experienced Riders Course is coming to St. Petersburg on 11/17/2007. Good opportunity for members to get some advance rider traininig close to home. Monroe provided copy of flyer, which McDaniel will make available to all members.

Monroe - The 2008 GWRRA Wing Ding has been confirmed for Greenville, SC, in July 2008.

Sims - Questions concerning the upcoming Fall Leaf Ride were asked and answered.

Meeting adjourned at 1830 hrs, followed by dinner at Snellgrove's Restaurant.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Plant City Police Department's Traffic Management Unit is pictured in the Spring 2007 unit gallery of The Mounted Officer Magazine, a publication of the Harley-Davidson Corp.

Several members of FL XXVII are members of the PCPD Traffic Unit. They appear in the photograph in the following order from left to right: Chad Rader, Trent Eckard, Matt Combs, and Tommy Morris. The guy in the center is their non-member supervisor, Sergeant Dale Peterson.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dashboard Video Of Franconia Officer, Shooter Deaths

A reminder to NEVER let down your guard on a stop.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Blue Knights FL XXVII Meeting Minutes - 06/21/07

Members Present: JT Sims, Bill McDaniel, Chad Rader, Tommy Morris, Jim Watkins, Carl Lane, Trent Eckard, Bryan Bergau, Russell Bass.

Meeting called to order by at 1715 hrs.

Treasurer’s Report:

Cash advised the checking balance is currently $507.00. Dog tags were purchased for a little over $1,000, paid dues to International for Gregory, and purchased five sets of colors from International. The club also bought some new clothing items for sale via the BK store. While account balance is down, we should recover soon from various sales items that we have working. The beverage fund is working well so far overall. We should end up making about $100 per month from this endeavor. We have already recovered practically all of our startup costs for the beverage fund.

Portrait project is underway. General consensus is that price is too high, but it is in line for a professional portrait and framing like this. Cash is going to work on various ideas to increase interest in this project and see if he can motivate more people to take advantage of this offering. Discussion ensued. Consensus was to continue to promote the program, but consider holding off until later in the year to get past the complications of summer, vacations etc. Portrait sets may also be more popular closer to the holidrays. This matter was referred back to Bergau for additional research and consideration.

Secretary’s Report:

President Ace reported the following items:

- Club needs a new secretary
- Advised that he has been informed Eric Daniel will not be attending club functions or renewing his membership.
- Efforts are underway to recover the club’s records from Eric Daniel.

President’s Report:

Announced Dee Dee Gregory as the club’s newest member.

Recruitment is still a priority. All members are encouraged to actively recruit for the club.

Ace reported that club members Glenn & Eddie are at the Honda Hoot in Knoxville, TN.

Six sets of patches have been purchased from International and will be available for purchase.

Members are reminded to check the club’s blog site periodically for club news and updates. The Web address for the blog is printed in the margins of your monthly newsletter.

Club officer slate will expire in October – Elections to be held – Start thinking about nominations you will make and the jobs you would like to take on.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1740 hours.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Welcome to Our Newest Member

Congratulations to Dee Dee Gregory on becoming the newest member of Blue Knights FL XXVII. Voting was recently concluded and Officer Gregory was unanimously voted into membership of the club. We welcome Dee Dee and look forward to her participation in club rides, meetings, and other activities. Dee Dee's official date of membership is June 14, 2007.

Club Expenditure Report

In related news, the club has spent $313.00 to purchase sets of Blue Knights FL XXVII vest patches. These patch sets will be available for purchase by active members once they are received by the club.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Recap of Club Meeting Held 04/19/2007

Meeting called to order at 1810 hours, by our president.

Present: McDaniel, Richter, Monroe, Rader, Bergau.

Treasurer's Report: Cash advised the club's checking account balance was $1,298.94. He also reported that the $200 donation has been made to the East Hillsborough Law Enforcement Appreciation Association, and $61.25 was paid to the Florida Department of State for renewal of our corporation status. Cash advised he will be temporarily shutting down the club's store operation due to slow sales. Cash advised he is working on developing new sale items, including a family portrait package. Ace gave Cash a check for $70 that was received from Blue Knights International. Cash gave Ace a check for $8.10 as reimbursement for postage related to mailing membership packets to two newest members.

President's Report: Ace reported that he mailed two new member packets out to Bobrowski and Aszmann. Ace also advised that he had met with Dee Dee Gregory and given her an application for Blue Knights membership.

Richter: Big Ed initiated a discussion regarding ways to increase member participation in club events and activities. Rader said family issues and time involved cause his lack of participation and indicated that is probably the case for other members. Rader suggested that club rides should be shorter so that more people can participate. McDaniel pointed out that for the past few months the practice has been to take shorter rides that begin with breakfast. McDaniel suggested that members who have time constraints could still show up for the ride, have breakfast with the club and then go home or ride as long as they could afford before breaking off and going home. Monroe suggested that we consider doing "out and back loop rides" to allow time constrained members to participate more than is possible with traditional rides. Rader said he thinks that the members are interested in the club and want to be involved, we just need to let them know that there are ways they can participate and still meet their other obligations.

October Trip: Discussion ensued about the annual Fall Leaf Trip. Dates were discussed and it was agreed that the week of October 15th is the best week for this trip and that the date should not be adjusted. McDaniel advised he needs people to start letting him know if they intend to participate in this ride so that he can arrange for the appropriate number of hotel rooms. This must be done several months in advance. Discussion also ensued as to the best number of participants in order to keep the ride successful. It was agreed that the maximum number of bikes for this trip is ten.

Meeting adjourned at 1900 hrs.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Thanks Received for Donation to COPSRUN

The following "Thank You" note was posted on the Blue Knights International member's bulletin board system. I have highlighted our Chapter in red:

"Blue Knights COPSRUN would like to Acknowledge and Thank the following members and chapters for there very generous donations to the Blue Knights COPSRUN:

Delaware 1, Mass 6, NY 18, VA 13, Tenn 6, Conn 1, Fl 27, OK 1, Tenn 3, Ill 20, Pa 6, Alex Mavica, Carl Raymo, Lewis W. Kelly, Robert J.Black-McCormack, Chet Parker, and William Solari.

Your genreous donations will go a long way in helping the Blue Knights COPSRUN finance this years COPS Survivors Picnic.

Liz CookSecretary/Treasurer"

Friday, March 16, 2007

Highlights of Club Meeting held 03/15/2007

The following occurred during the club's regular business meeting, which was held on Thursday, March 15th, 6 PM, at the PD:

- "Cash" reported that the club has approximately $1200 in its bank account.

- "Ace" made a motion to make a $200 donation to the East Hillsborough Law Enforcement Appreciation Association in support of that organization's banquet honoring law enforcement officers in the east Hillsborough area. Motion seconded by "Preacher". Discussion ensued with the consensus being that this was a worthy effort and that the club should support it. Motion passed unanimously.

- "Ace" reminded all about the club's Web site (this page) and the need to check it often for updates. "Ace" also asked members to leave comments so that he can track site usage as a means of determining the justification to contract for a full-fledged domain for the club.

- "Ace" discussed the 2007 Fall Colors trip that is scheduled for this coming October. "Ace" asked for input regarding the dates and interest in participating on the ride. It is not too early to get the planning process underway as "Ace" has to get hotel rooms and arrange other logistics that are dependent upon the number of people who will be participating.

- "Ace" told the club about a potential new member.

- Dinner at Snellgrove's followed the business meeting.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Club Ride - March 10, 2007 - Parrish, FL

On Saturday, March 10th, club members rode down to Parrish, FL, to visit the Florida Railroad Museum. The museum is an operating train and rolling stock that takes visitors on a 12-mile ride through some of the remaining wilderness of west central Florida. The ride takes about an hour and a half to complete and costs $10 per adult. Let me say right off that the experience is well-worth the ten bucks. The museum staff are all volunteers who have an obvious love of railroading.

Along for the ride were President Ace, Big Ed, Preacher, and Gunny. After the train museum, these members rode north to Ruskin where they ate lunch in an open-air roadside restaurant called "The Fish Hut". The food was outstanding. Of course it would be simply because this was one of Big Ed's little secret food places that he so often springs on us while traveling.

The pictures tell the rest of the story about the train ride. Be forewarned, though, there were some unexpected developments as the museum experience progressed!

Here are the member's bikes parked in the museum's parking area. From left to right it's Preacher's Harley-Davidson Road King (interestingly, the same bike he rode as a motor officer before retiring), Ace's Honda ST1300 (the most awesome bike ever built!), Big Ed's GoldWing, and Gunny's GoldWing.

This is some of the rolling stock used by the museum to carry passengers along the route.

The conductor and another museum volunteer. These guys were very friendly and didn't mind posing for pictures, answering questions, and generally making your visit enjoyable.

Here you see the conductor guiding the engine into place to couple to the rolling stock.

The engine is now coupled to the passenger cars and things are gearing up for departure from the main museum station.

Here's Gunny and Ace hanging out in the Kentucky Club Car before departure.

And here's Preacher hanging out in the Kentucky Club Car. This was Preacher's first club ride in while and it was good to have him along on this adventure.

Okay. Now things get really interesting. You see, Big Ed and Ace managed to get their ride upgraded so that they were allowed to ride in the cab of the engine. How cool is that!?! Ace has always wanted to ride in an engine and it finally happened for him. Ace reports that this was a lot of fun, not to mention a great learning experience. Here is the engineer, Steve Wonderly. He proved to be a very nice guy and was very generous with his time and knowledge. Big Ed and Ace say they had a great time riding up front and talking with Steve during the trip.

Here is a shot of Glenn sitting in the Club Car during the switching process at the turn around point. You can just see the look of envy in his eyes as Ace rolls past him on the walkway of the engine.

Here's Big Ed riding in the engine cab.

Big Ed really liked standing out on the front of the engine as it rolled northward toward the switching point. He spent quite a bit of the first leg of the trip standing out front enjoying the scenery.

Speaking of the scenery, here is a sampling of what the views are like along the train's route. You also see a lot of agriculture, oak hammocks, and other assorted views of wild Florida.

Now, for something really cool and totally unexpected... Steve let Eddie and Ace DRIVE the train!!! Here are shots of them at the controls. And, yes, the train is moving. And, yes, Big Ed and Ace are in total control of the entire train at this point.

Wrap-up: This was a great day and a totally enjoyable experience. And it would have been so even without the cab ride and driving the train. Ace highly recommends a visit to the Florida Railroad Museum. In addition to the normal weekend rides, the museum also does specialty rides at Easter and Halloween. They also do three battle re-enactments with the train: a Wild West version, a Civil War version, and a WWII version that Steve said is simply incredible. You can get more info about the museum, their schedules, and their activities from their Web site at the following address: