Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Plant City Police Department's Traffic Management Unit is pictured in the Spring 2007 unit gallery of The Mounted Officer Magazine, a publication of the Harley-Davidson Corp.

Several members of FL XXVII are members of the PCPD Traffic Unit. They appear in the photograph in the following order from left to right: Chad Rader, Trent Eckard, Matt Combs, and Tommy Morris. The guy in the center is their non-member supervisor, Sergeant Dale Peterson.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dashboard Video Of Franconia Officer, Shooter Deaths

A reminder to NEVER let down your guard on a stop.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Blue Knights FL XXVII Meeting Minutes - 06/21/07

Members Present: JT Sims, Bill McDaniel, Chad Rader, Tommy Morris, Jim Watkins, Carl Lane, Trent Eckard, Bryan Bergau, Russell Bass.

Meeting called to order by at 1715 hrs.

Treasurer’s Report:

Cash advised the checking balance is currently $507.00. Dog tags were purchased for a little over $1,000, paid dues to International for Gregory, and purchased five sets of colors from International. The club also bought some new clothing items for sale via the BK store. While account balance is down, we should recover soon from various sales items that we have working. The beverage fund is working well so far overall. We should end up making about $100 per month from this endeavor. We have already recovered practically all of our startup costs for the beverage fund.

Portrait project is underway. General consensus is that price is too high, but it is in line for a professional portrait and framing like this. Cash is going to work on various ideas to increase interest in this project and see if he can motivate more people to take advantage of this offering. Discussion ensued. Consensus was to continue to promote the program, but consider holding off until later in the year to get past the complications of summer, vacations etc. Portrait sets may also be more popular closer to the holidrays. This matter was referred back to Bergau for additional research and consideration.

Secretary’s Report:

President Ace reported the following items:

- Club needs a new secretary
- Advised that he has been informed Eric Daniel will not be attending club functions or renewing his membership.
- Efforts are underway to recover the club’s records from Eric Daniel.

President’s Report:

Announced Dee Dee Gregory as the club’s newest member.

Recruitment is still a priority. All members are encouraged to actively recruit for the club.

Ace reported that club members Glenn & Eddie are at the Honda Hoot in Knoxville, TN.

Six sets of patches have been purchased from International and will be available for purchase.

Members are reminded to check the club’s blog site periodically for club news and updates. The Web address for the blog is printed in the margins of your monthly newsletter.

Club officer slate will expire in October – Elections to be held – Start thinking about nominations you will make and the jobs you would like to take on.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1740 hours.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Welcome to Our Newest Member

Congratulations to Dee Dee Gregory on becoming the newest member of Blue Knights FL XXVII. Voting was recently concluded and Officer Gregory was unanimously voted into membership of the club. We welcome Dee Dee and look forward to her participation in club rides, meetings, and other activities. Dee Dee's official date of membership is June 14, 2007.

Club Expenditure Report

In related news, the club has spent $313.00 to purchase sets of Blue Knights FL XXVII vest patches. These patch sets will be available for purchase by active members once they are received by the club.