Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 14, 2012 - Istachatta

For the first time in almost six weeks, I was back on two wheels.  Unfortunately, they were not my wheels.  After first sending the wrong frame, Suzuki USA has found that they do not have a single appropriate frame anywhere in the USA.  Seems like I will have to wait for one to be manufactured and shipped from Japan.  Thankfully, Eddie loaned the use of his Kawasaki Vulcan Voyager to me for the day.
Today, Kent, Boyd Bill and I met for breakfast in Plant City at 0800 today (Robert made a quick stop to say hello on his way to a call out).  After the usual banter and breakfast, Kent headed off for other duties while Bill, Boyd and I turned our machines north.
After a quick stop for gas, we headed towards Zephyrhills, Dade City and St. Leo to pay homage to the great motorcycle roads in the area.  We eventually made it to our first rest stop near Hill 'N Dale.  We then headed over to Istachatta and Pineola.  While there may not be much commerce in these villages, the road through them is interesting and the scenery is very much Old Florida.  From there, we decided to beat feet to Tampa so Bill could check out Cycle Gear for some new boots.  Be sure to check Bill's blog for more on this ride and a few of his pics.
I returned home around 1400 after logging 187 miles on Eddies Voyager.  It was great to be back on two wheels again.  Hopefully my Burgman will be ready soon.  Until that happens, the Voyager may become my new nest friend.  See you soon and

Ride with Pride

Glenn "Gunny" Monroe

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