Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 5, 2012 - Day 5 - Hendersonville

On this rainy morning, Lloyd and I headed for Hendersonville, NC so I could look over the facilities at the Hendersonville Shuffleboard Club where I will be directing a national tournament in September.

Leaving Hendersonville, Lloyd and I returned to Sylva via US 64 and US 126.  We made a short stop at Looking Glass Waterfall in the Pisgah National Forest.

Lloyd and Looking Glass
After lunch in Sylva, we headed back to the motel for a rest.

Meanwhile, Bill, Boyd and Bryan headed off on a seperate run down to Dillard, GA, Highlands, NC, Bridal Veil Falls, and Franklin, NC.  Click here for Bill's Route.

All riders gathered at the cabin on Herron Branch Road for dinner that night.  It was then that we learned that Eddie was hurting too badly from his earlier tractor crash to continue the trip any longer and would be returning to Plant City in the morning.  Bill decided that it was best to close the cabin and return as well.  Boyd was already scheduled to return to Florida on the 6th for business.  As Lloyd had learned that one of his prized birds had escaped from home, he, too was anxious to return home to help with the search.  With that in mind, I also decided to return to Florida in the morning.  Bryan decided he would stay on in his campsite for the present.  By the way, we have since learned that Eddie had suffered a broken neck during the aforementioned accident.  He's one tough old bird!

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