Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 19, 2012 - Back to the Ridge

Seven members of our group met for breakfast in Plant City this morning, including Bryan Bergau who, astonishingly, had laid out some cash for V-Strom farkle.
Good looking GPS
Adjustable Windshield
Crash Bars
I neglected to get a picture of the new V-Strom carbon fiber tank protector.  Way to go, Bryan.  Looking good!
After breakfast, J.T., Bryan, Boyd and I headed out for the morning's ride while Bill, Eddie and Robert headed off for more mundane tasks.  As the day was threatening afternoon thunderstorms (it is summer in Florida, after all) we decided to keep the ride short and close to home.  After supplying the others with a couple of options, we set out for the ridge country east of Polk City.  
Click here to view the route.

After enjoying some of the best roads in the area, we headed over to the Fantasy of Flight and the Compass Rose Restaurant for lunch before heading for home.
Although the ride was only 110 miles, it was still a great ride over some of my favorite local roads.  The rain held off until we were home but, by ride's end, the temperature had risen to 97 degrees.  Another good reason for a short ride.  Hopefully next Saturday will be a little cooler as we are forgoing the ride to help Billy with some yard work before our next trip.
On June first we will be leaving for a 10 day ride into and around North Carolina.  I will, hopefully, send some posts from the ride but WiFi availability will be sparse in the mountains.
Until then, RIDE WITH PRIDE.
Glenn "Gunny" Monroe

1 comment:

lol138 said...

Always enjoy the posts......keeps me informed. Way to go Bryan!!!!