Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 26, 2012 - Eustis

Maybe it was my fault. After all, I did say last week that there would be no ride today. But Billy's plans changed and the ride was back on. That probably accounts for the fact that only three riders showed up this morning. Boyd, J.T. and I stopped for a quick breakfast at Snellgroves before heading out for the day's ride.
Having no set destination in mind, I queried Boyd and J.T. regarding their preferred destinations and routes.  Receiving the anticipated reply, "I don't care, as long as the wheels are rolling," we turned away from the coast and it's anticipated Memorial weekend crowds and headed northeast.  After wandering across some of the better local roads, I recalled that I was in need of new rain pants before our upcoming trip to North Carolina.  With that in mind, I started headed the group towards Eustis and Champion Powersports via a circuitous route (click here to see the route.)
We arrived at Champions around noon (I told you it was a circuitous route).  The first thing we noticed was that their sales floor was unusually crowded with both new and used stock.  If you are looking for a Burgman 650, they have a used one with a Givi box and less than 2,000 miles and new ones at 0% interest.  Where were those deals when I bought my Burgy?  I was also lucky enough to find Frogg Togg rain pants on sale for under $20.  Boyd and I also picked up new gloves - waterproof mesh Tourmasters.  The waterproof liner reduces the effectiveness of the the mesh, but they are still cooler than my waterproof leather winter gloves.  The fact that the temperature was, by then, in the 90's may also have contributed to the lack of cooling.
Leaving Champions, we headed for lunch at nearby Billy's Cafe in Tavares.  The food was excellent, as usual, although, much to J.T.'s chagrin, I ordered the last of the coleslaw to accompany my tuna melt.  It was really good, too, J.T.
From Billy's, we turned towards home across CR-561 and Green Pond.
We covered 181 miles today under partly cloudy skies and very warm afternoon temperatures.
Next Friday, I will be riding to north Georgia to meet up with Lloyd and Bryan as they return from a quick trip to Missouri.  On Saturday, we will ride to Sylva, N.C. to meet up with the rest of our group for a week of riding the great roads western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee.
Until then,
Glenn "Gunny" Monroe

Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 19, 2012 - Back to the Ridge

Seven members of our group met for breakfast in Plant City this morning, including Bryan Bergau who, astonishingly, had laid out some cash for V-Strom farkle.
Good looking GPS
Adjustable Windshield
Crash Bars
I neglected to get a picture of the new V-Strom carbon fiber tank protector.  Way to go, Bryan.  Looking good!
After breakfast, J.T., Bryan, Boyd and I headed out for the morning's ride while Bill, Eddie and Robert headed off for more mundane tasks.  As the day was threatening afternoon thunderstorms (it is summer in Florida, after all) we decided to keep the ride short and close to home.  After supplying the others with a couple of options, we set out for the ridge country east of Polk City.  
Click here to view the route.

After enjoying some of the best roads in the area, we headed over to the Fantasy of Flight and the Compass Rose Restaurant for lunch before heading for home.
Although the ride was only 110 miles, it was still a great ride over some of my favorite local roads.  The rain held off until we were home but, by ride's end, the temperature had risen to 97 degrees.  Another good reason for a short ride.  Hopefully next Saturday will be a little cooler as we are forgoing the ride to help Billy with some yard work before our next trip.
On June first we will be leaving for a 10 day ride into and around North Carolina.  I will, hopefully, send some posts from the ride but WiFi availability will be sparse in the mountains.
Until then, RIDE WITH PRIDE.
Glenn "Gunny" Monroe

Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 12, 2012 - Floral City

It was another great day in central Florida, albeit lovebug season.  Bill, Boyd, Eddie, J.T. and I met for breakfast at Snellgroves before starting today's journey.  All five started the ride knowing that Bill, Eddie and J.T. would only ride until noon.  With that in mind, we headed for our first destination - the San Ann Market in San Antonio, FL.
Click here for the full route.
San Ann Patio

After a pleasant break and conversation of their patio, we headed north to pickup Jesamine Road for the first twisties of the day.  We all made it through safely, but one was reminded that brakes and road paint can make for a squirrely ride.  Reaching the end of Jesamine Rd., Bill, Eddie and J.T. decided that they would turn around and head back to Plant City.
Meanwhile, Boyd and I continued on with the ride across Bayhead, Hayman, Wellesley and Istachatta Roads.
Boyd's new green monster
Arriving in Floral City, we stopped at the Shamrock Inn for an enjoyable lunch.  While there, I witnessed a classic example of role reversal as three bikers, two men and a woman, entered the restaurant and took seats at a table near us.  One man announced that he going to wash his hands.  The second man responded, "Me, too."  The woman, however, merely raised her hand to her face, sniffed the fingers, shrugged and remained seated.  Classic.  Luckily, I was able to restrain my laughter until we were outside.
Leaving Floral City, we decided to take the long way back to Lakeland.  We headed south and east across the back roads to Webster, then over to Center Hill, where we turned south to pick up Sloan's Ridge, South Bay Lake and Lake Erie.  From there we headed south to Green Pond, then on home.
Photo borrowed from Boyd.  Hope you don't mind.
It was a great ride, but, as I mentioned in the beginning, it is lovebug season in central Florida as you can see by Boyd's helmet.  Boyd and I covered about 181 miles on this ride.  It took another hour after getting home to debug the helmet and motorcycle.

Ride safely, and as always, Ride with Pride.

Glenn "Gunny" Monroe