Sunday, November 08, 2009

November 7, 2009 - Running with Elks

We are back! I apologize for the long absence of contributions to this blog but, as you know, I have been unable to ride the Chapter for a month due to other commitments.

We got back in the swing this week with breakfast for 12 at Snellgroves. After the usual camaraderie and conversation, ten of us mounted up and headed over to the Plant City Elks to participate in their poker run in support of Bay Area veterans. Unfortunately, on the way over Lloyd fell prey to a stomach condition that has plagued him for several weeks and headed for home. We all hope he gets over the problem real soon.

After completing the registration process, we hung around the Elks Lodge for a while drinking coffee, talking with other participants, admiring some of the other bikes and scratching our heads over a couple of bikes while wondering why anyone would ride something like that (I'm sure the Navigator will have a photo or two to explain).

When the appointed hour arrived, we all mounted up and headed to our first stop of the day - Big Dog's Patio on N. Palmer in Plant City. I drew a 10 of clubs and headed back to my bike confident that all things were still possible.

For our next stop, we took the back route to the Elks Lodge on Harden Blvd. in Lakeland. Here, I drew a 3 of hearts. Okay, a flush, straight and straight flush are now out of the question, but still a good hand was possible.

The next leg of the run took us on a tour of Lakeland, around Lake Hollingsworth, then up to Hooters at US-98 and I-4. Intent on improving my poker hand, I ignored the "scenery" and headed straight to the poker table where I drew a 7 of spades. With a sinking feeling, I realized that my best possible hand now was an outside shot at 3 of a kind. Bummer.

Anyway, it was back to the bike where a check of the scheduled route for the next leg to the Keel 'N Curley Winery took us far north on US-98 through heavy traffic and many traffic lights. After consulting with the rest of the group, we decided to go off the chart and ride some better roads to the Winery. We had a few tag-a-longs who had begun to follow our lead on the routes and they were treated to some of the better roads in the area., roads that they would have otherwise not seen.

We soon arrived at the Winery for the fourth card in our poker hands. Alas, the 5 of spades I drew was of no help, leaving me with hopes of no better than a pair of tens.

So it was that we headed back to the Plant City Elks Lodge with low poker expectations but high hopes for a good lunch. Both expectations were soon realized. But, hey, I still had tickets in my pocket for the 50-50 drawing and door prizes.

While we waited for the rest of the riders to return, Bill and I decided to visit Julie from the Tobacco Depot who had brought a nice selection of cigars to sell at the event. Choosing a couple of nice Cains, we adjourned to the shade of an old oak tree to enjoy our smokes. We were also joined by several other friends who participated in the conversation, if not the smoke.

After about an hour had passed and most of the other riders had returned, it was time to draw for the 50-50 and door prizes. Suffice it to say that although several members of our group were rewarded in the drawings, my luck continued to hold. I had to accept the hollow reward of having helped others with my donations.

So ended this week's ride. See you next week for another adventure. Meanwhile remember - "Not all who wander are lost."



Rob said...

Sounds like a great ride. I am a New Yorker who has a dream of riding in Florida during January for a few weeks.. Maybe this year! Be Safe this year and I am truly hoping that IDA does not blow in your direction.

Anonymous said...

Like Gunny, I am happy to have supported a good cause...and I even won a ball cap as a door prize! But, poker runs just aren't my cup of tea. I'll be looking forward to a real ride next weekend!!!


LOL138 said...

Wish I could have made it but think I made the best decision. Good to have your blog back up and running