Sunday, May 24, 2009

May 23, 2009

We were happy to have Kent Andrel and Bill's wife, Mercy, join us for our Saturday breakfast this week. After breakfast, Eddie headed south for a short fishing trip while Kent & Bill decided to take advantage of the respite from the rain to get some yard work done. Bobby was still on call for work, so it was Boyd, Lloyd and I that headed out for a ride.

With an eye to the weather which would surely bring rain sooner or later, we decided to keep the ride local so we set off on a circuitous route through Hillsborough and Polk counties.
Breakfast held off the hunger pains so we decided to skip lunch and ride while the weather held. Our final stop was at Lloyd's for a liquid libation. As we left that location, I could hear thunder beginning to roll in the eastern skies. That convinced me that we had ridden enough for that day so Boyd and I headed for home. The rains started in earnest about 30 minutes after I got home. Timing is everything.

Sorry for the lack of pictures this week. I forgot to pack my camera.

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