Monday, November 17, 2008

November Minutes

The November 17th meeting Florida XXVII was called to order at 6:08 P.M. Present were President Glenn Monroe, Past President Bill McDaniel, Director J.T. Sims, Lloyd Lowery, Wes Swafford and Eddie Richter.

The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was waived due to the absence of the Secretary.

President Monroe gave the Treasurer’s report, listing current cash on hand at $1,266.19.

The “Ride for Ron” was discussed. Although the final statistics have not been received from the event organizer, it is believed that 50 to 60 motorcycles participated in the ride led by this chapter.

Future charity endeavors were discussed. Past President McDaniel stated that he may have a line on a grant for a rider safety program that we may be able to present at future Plant City Bike Nights in conjunction with the Plant City P.D.

The planned ride to Lake Okeechobee on November 22nd was discussed. Noting the proximity to the holidays and Fun Bike Center’s scheduling conflict, it was decided to postpone this ride to after the holidays. A ride to Fantasy of Flight was suggested as a possible alternative.

Past President McDaniel suggested an evening Christmas Light ride sometime in December. Eddie Richter agreed to put the ride together with a probable date of December 12.

Eddie Richter suggested we put together another parking lot practice event. After some discussion it was decided that one would be scheduled during the first quarter of 2009 and that the Chapter investigate the purchase of miniature traffic cones in order to minimize the potential of damage to the motorcycles that full sized cones can cause. Bill McDaniel stated that he may have a source for reasonably priced miniature cones. He will investigate and report back on the issue.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 P.M.

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