Saturday, September 26, 2009

September 26 - Multi-Chapter Breakfast

Nine bikes met in Plant City this morning in anticipation of participating in a multi-Chapter Blue Knights breakfast hosted by FL XXIX in Kissimmee. The plan was to avoid I-4 by taking SR-33 to Deen Still then up US-27 to US-192. However, as Robert Burns observed, "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley." In other words, the original plan went up in smoke and we were force to jump onto I-4 at SR-33 in order to make our 9:00 a.m. breakfast. And, arrive we did, just in time to greet Brian and Anne Collins as they arrived with their son and parents at the Sizzler.

Once inside, we met fellow Blue Knights from seven other chapters, including the Southern Regional Conference chairman, Alex Ramirez, from FL IV in Miami, then quickly move to the purpose for the visit - breakfast. The Sizzler had a nice selection for the buffet breakfast but, to be honest, The Market's food is far superior. But, for $4.99 per person, it wasn't bad.

After everyone had eaten their fill, FL XXIX's vice president, Ken O'Reilly, hosted a short program to introduce the dignitaries and host the drawing for the 50-50 prize and door prizes. Lucky Bill McDaniel won the 50-50 and Lloyd Lowery cashed in on two of the door prizes.

The gathering quickly broke up after the awards. Many of the other groups headed to the Lakeridge Winery, but we decided not to participate. While most of our chapter headed back to Plant City, Lloyd, J.T., Debbie & I decided to take a ride around eastern Polk County. However, as we turned onto Deen Stills from US-27, J.T. informed me that he and Debbie were going to head to Fun Bike Center to check out some new tires before the West Virginia trip. So, Lloyd and I continued on with the ride. There are some very nice motorcycle roads in the area east of Polk City and we enjoyed them greatly. Click here to see our route for the day.

After stopping for refreshment at The Country Angel in Polk City, Lloyd and I decided to end the day with a good cigar so we headed to the Cigar Castle in Temple Terrace. We finally made it home again about 4:00 p.m., having covered about 200 miles.

Hope we see you next week.

Ride With Pride


Saturday, September 19, 2009

September 19, 2009 - Englishmen and Monkeys

This day started a bit earlier than normal. We were expecting visitors from England VI, Brain and Anne Collins, and I had agree to meet them at Eddie Richter's at 7:30 a.m. to pick up Eddie's Gold Wing for them to use on today's ride. They arrived on schedule and, after a quick familiarization with the Wing (Brian normally rides a BMW), the four of us set off for Plant City.

We were met downtown by Ace, Preacher, Kent, Kyle, Robert, Stats, Doc and his wife. After a good breakfast and great conversation, we headed for Homosassa via San Antonio and Brooksville by the route seen here.

During our rest stop in Brooksville, our visitors told us how amazed they were by how straight our roads are here. Apparently, in the UK, straight, wide roads are far and few between. Geeze, I picked the the most curves I could find! Oh well, you know the motorcyclist's mantra about Florida - 11 curves in 318 miles.

Passing through Yulee, I decided to stop to show our visitors what passed for Florida antiquity, the Yulee Sugar Mill. In hindsight, I should have just kept going. The parking lot is dirt and appeared to be wet. As I moved over to make room for the others, I found that it was more than wet. It was a half inch of sand soup over a hard surface. When I attempted to move back towards the roadway, the rear tire decided to go for a ride in the other direction and over it went. Now understand, I would not normally be so forthcoming about this incident, but Ace has photographic proof and I know that he will be sharing it with you all in the near future. Luckily, the only damage was to my pride.

We next covered the last mile or two to the Riverside Crab House on the Homosassa River. Turns out it was Ebony's birthday, one of the five monkeys on Monkey Island, just off shore from the restaurant, and they were giving free boat rides around the island. Ace, Brian, Anne and I took advantage of the opportunity while they other landlubbers stayed ashore.

During lunch, Anne and Brian had a chance to sample American style fish and chips. Let's just say they offered to show us what real fish and chips are like should we ever visit the UK. Personally, I thought they were pretty good. What do they know. I mean, Brian was trying to convince me that steak and kidney pie was actually good! Go figure.

Leaving the restaurant, a few members of the group emphasized the fact that the Gators and Vols were scheduled to play at 3:30 p.m. so we headed back for Plant City by the most expeditious, non-expressway route.

Back in PC, Preacher and I accompanied Ace and our visitors for a tour of the Plant City police facility.

Eight and a half hours and 180 miles from the day's start, we said goodbye to our visitors and headed for home happy from a good ride and good friends, old and new. See you next time.


Saturday, September 05, 2009

September 5 - Wild Turkey Hunting

You know its going to be a good morning when you run out of parking spaces for motorcycles. Thirteen motorcycles lined up next to the Whistle Stop in preparation for breakfast and today's ride. Robert was welcomed back with his newly repaired Harley. Scott brought a guest with him and Eddie's wife, Marlena, joined us to make it 14 for breakfast at Snellgroves. After the usual breakfast and scintillating conversation, we mounted up to make our way to Avon Park in search of Wild Turkey.

We turned south out of Plant City heading for Keysville then on to Jameson Road. We made a quick stop on the bridge over the South Prong of the Alifia River. This is one of my favorite spots as it is a pastoral vision of old Florida. Today, we found the bridge to have been liberally adorned by local graffiti artists expressing their particular cultural views.

Leaving Jameson, we headed towards Agricola Mine Road via Fort Lonsome, Bethlehem Road and Brewster. Ah, Agricola. One of the few truly great motorcycle roads in central Florida. As usual, Bill stopped to take some action photos along the way and Boyd had to play up and down the highway until he found the absolute edge of the V-Max's ability. Now folks, I gotta tell you, I rode that beast for a short while last week and I can tell you that it runs a straight line as good as any motorcycle ever made, but it resists handlebar pressure like a stationary bike. I mean it absolutely does not like to lean over. Boyd has my admiration for his ability to force that monster to corner the way he does.

Our next stop was for fuel and refreshment at the Sunoco station in Fort Meade, about 60 miles from our start. We were now down to nine motorcycles as four had dropped out for various reasons. Fellas, I want you to know that we appreciate your presence even if you cannot complete a ride. Ride along for as long as you can. If you cannot ride, join us for breakfast. We are happy to see you.

The next leg was a 50 mile run past Lake Buffum to Babson Park, Frostproof and Avon Park. We arrived at our destination, the Wild Turkey Tavern, shortly after noon to enjoy their unique atmosphere, friendly service and excellent food. Bill took a lot of photos for his blog so be sure to check there when he updates The Navigator's Rides.

After lunch, we started the return trip via Avon Park Cuttoff, Lake Hendry Road and 640. After cutting up Bonnie Mine Road to 60, we headed west. At Mulberry, Boyd and I headed for Lakeland while the rest of the crew headed for Plant City. Go to Google Maps for a view of our complete route.

It was another great day of riding in central Florida. Thanks to all for your company and support. See you next week.

By the way, Bill says that he will have a special presentation to make at next Saturday's breakfast. Be there if you can.
