Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Club to Purchase Software
Friday, September 21, 2007
Meeting Minutes - 09/20/2007
Meeting was called to order by Chapter President Bill McDaniel at 6:10 PM. The first order of business was to conduct the election of new club officers. Following the counting of votes represented by nomination forms from members not in attendance, plus votes cast by those members attending the meeting, the following members were elected to offices within the club: President - Glenn Monroe; Vice-President - Jim Watkins; Secretary - Carl Lane; Treasurer - Bryan Bergau.
Treasurer's Report: Bergau reported that the club has a current bank balance of $1081.00, with another $127.27 in the petit cash fund, for a total balance of $1,208.27.
Bergau advised the Blue Knights coins as discussed previously could now be obtained at a 10% discount. Discussion ensued on this matter. It was understood that the purchase of these coins and any resulting sales of them would be a loss or break-even proposition for the club. The coins would be procured and sold to members at cost as tokens of club membership. Additionally, surplus inventory of the coins could be used as a promotional item or exchange souvenir with other Blue Knights chapters at events and upcoming conferences. The approximate cost of the coins will be $approximately $7 each and this would be the cost per coin for members to purchase them. A motion was made by Bergau to purchase 100 coins of a design to be selected by him. Motion seconded by Lane. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Bergau advised that framed portraits sets will be promoted by the club in October. He will mail out flyers advertising this service, as well as all other FL XXVII merchandise available for purchase.
McDaniel suggested that the club take over the annual blanket sale from PCPD as a potential fundraiser. Support for this proposal was unanimous. McDaniel will work with Bergau to make this happen. The club will also investigate a Blue Knights version of the blankets for sale to club members.
Other Business:
McDaniel briefed newly elected Chapter President Glenn Monroe on some of the various issues he will need to make decision about, to include: signatures on club checks; the club's email account; the club's website (this blog); the monthly newsletter; and, the selection/election of a board of directors. Discussion ensued and it was decided that McDaniel will rotate to the board as a director based upon his status as Immediate Past President. Monroe will secure additional board members as necessary to the effective management of the club's business. The total number of officers and directors shall be set at an odd number in accordance with International bylaws.
McDaniel advised that the club's upcoming Fall Leaf Ride is officially locked down with seven persons participating; four club members and three non-members.
Monroe - Discussed the upcoming club ride scheduled for this Saturday.
Meeting adjourned at 1910 hrs. Dinner at First Choice BBQ followed.
Election Results - 09/20/2007
The results of the election for club officers held on Thursday, September 20, 2007, are as follows:
President - Glenn Monroe
Vice President - Jim Watkins
Secretary - Carl Lane
Treasurer - Bryan Bergau
Congratulations to these newly elected officers. They will serve a two-year term that expires on 09/30/2009.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Nominations for Upcoming Elections are Due!
Everyone is encouraged to get their nomination forms turned in as soon as possible. This is especially important if you are not planning to attend the club's regular business meeting this month. The elections will be held at that meeting and nomination forms from absent members will serve as those members' votes.